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Customer Testimonials

Great, helpful staff. I always enjoy going to this store over other music shops in the area because of the staff, you can tell they love music... and are always helpful and willing to talk about the instruments.
- Cadeyrn Craig

Casey was top notch in his expertise and approach. He let me explore while giving guidance and I ended up with the perfect item.
- Mark Dumez

I went to T Lee's on 4 separate occasions, within five days, I bought a Godin electric guitar, a Blackstar amp, a used alto sax, then I exchanged the Godin guitar for another, and then exchange that guitar for the original one I bought on Tuesday, as my girlfriend thought the first guitar was so attractive...and she was right. But I had an enjoyable time there on the four trips that I made. One salesman, Robin Hunter, assisted me with the amp to my car, which was a block away. He was fun to talk to along the way. And the sax that I bought up stairs...Eric Cheng was very helpful. And JP Watkins told me how to make a truss rod adjustment, that worked out fine the next morning at home. All-in-all...an enjoyable experience.
- Lloyd Hayward Manuel

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