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Customer Testimonials

Chad was super friendly and gave lots of advice to me. He re-strung my guitar and also showed me how to. Very good customer support and very friendly.
- Ben Eely

The service was excellent and the item was delivered after 3 business days.
- Gerard Lalonde

I bought a Melodica for my son and was pleasantly surprised that Tom Lee had lots of selection and good prices. The main competitor had none.
- Veit Hillebrand

When I came into the Langley Tom Lee, I was looking for isolation pads. When I left Tom Lee, I left with the pads and a sense of belonging. Jaeden went above and beyond in talking to me about the products I have and the products I plan to purchase. He talked to me not like a customer, but like someone he had just met in the music industry and we began sharing ideas on the gear we use. He showed me what he uses, recommends and what he plans to get in the future. I left the store feeling good about what I had come to buy and the fact that Tom Lee has employees like Jaeden. I have been to the Langley Tom Lee many times in the past but I was specifically impressed with my visit this time and felt I should let someone know. The last time I was in the store I was also taken back by how friendly and how helpful the staff is. I live in White Rock, so it's a bit of a drive to get there, but the trip and traffic is well worth the experience that seems to be the norm at the Langley Store.
- Jason Goodman

The staff at the Langley location are very helpful and approachable. Great job!
- Eric Baumgartner

Niall was very helpful. I told him what I was interested in and he immediately made some suggestions and helped me pick out an instructional book that was at my appropriate level. I was very pleased with my experience.
- Justin Falardeau

Your selection is outstanding. Staff was friendly, encouraging, and had an excellent product knowledge. My friend and I each purchased a strumstick dulcimer and a staff member who wasn't even involved in the transaction came up to us after to ensure us we had left with, "the best instruments in the store." It made our trip special!
- Anika Truter

Dany was a great help on directing on so recording devices and taking the time to show me how to use the device i purchase from him and giving me pointers on how to use all the recording equipment.
- Jason Griffith

Exceptional and friendly service. Alex seemed very interested in the local music community and even my place in it!
- Carl Wuorinen

Wanted to say how helpful your staff member was - I was looking at ukulele's as a gift. She was extremely helpful in offering an overview of selection, chatting about tone, and even grabbed one from the back and tuned it up to demonstrate (which I would end up purchasing). An all around excellent experience.
- Brian Paterson

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